Reproductive cloning will pose more difficult legal and ethical issues, as a pose to a result of experimentation abroad, it becomes a safe procedure. At that point, some may see cloning as just another reproductive choice, and a battle will likely be set in court. Many physicians from the American Medical Association and scientists from the American Association for the Advancement of Science had issued formal public statements advising to get rid of human reproductive cloning. The U.S. Congress has considered the statement of legislation that could ban human cloning. in response the U.S. regulators voiced their worries and concerns about the new inventions. They have also expressed pride that the birth did not happen here, and former president Bush had strongly supported the legislation for banning all human cloning in the United States.
Although the practice of cloning many different organisms has spread world wide, the recent technological advancements that have allowed for cloning of animals and humans have been highly controversial. Some believe it is unethical to use a human clone to save the life of another. Others believe that people who exist today and have interpersonal relationships and personal histories should take precedence over never-conscious life at any stage of developmental maturity. According to the US Food and Drug Administration, food coming from cloned animals is safe to eat. In addition the FDA stated that cloned food does not require special labeling. Both meat and milk from cloned animals have no differences from the conventionally bred animals.

Cloned Milk Regular milk
Do you see a difference?
-- Other than the glass
-- Or the background