Cloning has impacted our society today in many ways by creating a duplicate of an ordinary animal or human being. Many scientists found this new method of science out standing. While many discoveries were being made, people who disliked this idea of creating new & better versions of an original were trying to get rid of the new technology method. Because of their beliefs of it being against our nature & it endangering humanity. Here are some results & effects of cloning.


While most scientists consider the process of animal cloning as a major break through of many beneficial possibilities in it, many people were uncomfortable with the idea, considering that it was against nature and ethically damaging particularly the instance of cloning human beings. Considering that most of the general public are not aware of the exact details involved in cloning, as a result there are a lot of misconceptions about the entire matter. Recently there have been new laws banning & regulating cloning around the world. In some countries, animal cloning is allowed, but not human cloning. Some advocacy groups were seeking to ban cloning, even if this could potentially save people from many debilitating illnesses.


In many cases, the cloning process fails in the course of pregnancy or some birth defects occur, such as a calf born with two faces. Sometimes the defects manifest themselves and  later on kills the clone. On the hand with successful animal cloning. Cloning from an adult animal you will exactly know how your clone is going to turn out. This becomes very useful when the whole intention behind cloning is to save a certain endangered species from becoming extinct. This experiment was shown & proved by cloning an Indian Gaur in 2001.



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